Monday, July 26, 2010

Home Staging!

Home staging still remains important for helping your home stand out against the others out there on the market.

You've cleaned, you've done all the basic repairs, you've mowed the grass & trimmed the bushes but your home is just sitting there on the market.  Maybe it's time to hire some help!

Hiring a Home Stager does more than have someone "pretty up" the place.  It helps you get your home ready for someone else. Home staging will give your home that pulled together look and make the house feel welcoming and inviting for a new family.

Fees for home staging are more affordable than an interior designer and give you options for the home that can either stay with the house or follow you to your new home.

When looking to hire a Home Stager look at their portfolio, ask for references, get a clear written contract for fees and what services are provided for that fee.  Make sure you feel comfortable with the contract and then be willing to listen and follow through with the advice and work that the Stager provides.

Here's hoping you find the right person to help you sell your home! 

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